Maths SATs Booster
The links below can help Y6 children tackle the kinds of Maths questions they will come across in this year's SATs. Click on the topic area you want to practise, look at and try the questions, then click on the youtube links to see a video on how to answer the question correctly, and see if you got it right!
Tip: If you have a printer at home, you could print the questions page and write your answer on the sheet before you watch the youtube video for each question.
Maths topics
002 - Column Methods Add + Subtract
005 - Factors,Primes + Squares
007 - Frac Dec Perc Equivalence
010 - Multiply Divide by 10, 100, 1000
012 - Multiplying and Multiples
020 - Explain by Counterexample
032 - Measurement Conversion of units
033 - Missing Lengths from Diagrams
037 - Reading Scales + Number Lines
More Maths revision activities / games