Pipworth Community

Congratulations to Pipworth Community Primary School in top 3% of schools nationally for progress measures- Rt.Hon Nick Gibb MP September 2020 Primary PE School of the Year 2021 - LINKS Partnership Group South YorkshireUNICEF Rights Respecting School-Silver Award 2022

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Pipworth Community

Primary School

Pipworth Community

Our Vision & Ethos

Our vision is for all pupils to achieve their best outcomes through a creative, inclusive and engaging curriculum, enabling them to become lifelong learners.

Our children have personality and we celebrate character and individuality. We foster social skills and attitudes through our eight core values, which are designed to create good citizens in society; citizens who are respectful and tolerant of others, who aim high in all aspects of their life and can work with confidence in a team situation. Our children have enquiring minds and the motivation to succeed. Our motto is ‘Reach for the Stars’ we teach our children about aspiration and give the message that they can achieve anything with hard work and determination. We have a strong emphasis on employment, a STEM rich curriculum and links with organisations and Sheffield University to encourage learning beyond the primary phase. Children enjoy our annual ‘Careers Week’ were children learn of different forms of employment.


In our school, everything we do is based on the simple belief that all children will achieve highly from their varied starting points given the right levels of support and inspiration and that each child has many talents that can be discovered and grown. We know that children flourish personally and academically when they feel safe, happy and are inspired by talented teachers and supported by a community that knows and appreciates them as individuals. We are a highly inclusive school. We believe in identifying individual starting points and securing outstanding success for all. Our colleague team are highly skilled in supporting all levels of ability, securing good behaviour and attitudes.


Our school values are taught through the curriculum, assemblies and general daily life in school.

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